virtual violet

Hi! I'm violet, I'm a developer, writer, programmer, and archivist. Some things I've created include:
- The Goatlings Accessibility Mod, a userscript that allows people to use sections of the Goatlings website with keyboard controls instead of repitive mouse movements
- Highland Converter, a tool for exporting HTML from the Highland 2 app, because for some reason this Markdown editor that costs $70 doesn't have a competent HTML export
- Compiling Ur Markdown, a very simple static site generator that I intend to use to add a blog to this site at some point
I'm also a volunteer at the Marxists Internet Archive, an online archive of texts by socialist writers. My current project there is transcribing Albert Szymanski's "Is the Red Flag Flying?" into a webpage, so that it can be read more easily. I've finished the first 2 out of 10 chapters as of now.